Faculty of Biology

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Mass Spectrometry

The service unit Mass Spectrometry of Biomolecules at LMU (MSBioLMU) is part of the Faculty of Biology of the LMU Munich. The service can be used by internal and external working groups.

From small molecules / metabolites (Metabolomics) to large polypeptides / proteins (Proteomics) are detected and quantified routinely in different matrices. To this end, the service unit employs several mass spectrometers and chromatographs.

More information on our IT concepts.



  • Metabolomics

    Contact Persons of the Metabolomics Service:
    Organisation: Dr. Martin Lehmann
    E-mail: ms@bio.lmu.de
    Technical Assistance: Beate Minov
    Rooms: F02.017 und F02.021 more

  • Proteomics

    Contact Persons of the Proteomics Service:
    Organisation: PD Dr. Serena Schwenkert
    E-mail: ms@bio.lmu.de
    Technical Assistance: Julia Davydova
    Rooms: F02.017 and F02.021 more