Faculty of Biology

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Promotion and Habilitation

Office of doctoral affairs: 
phone: +49 (0)89 2180 74120
e-mail: promotion@bio.lmu.de
Office hours: Monday and Wednesday: 9 - 12 o`clock

Here you may find all relevant information for a doctoral study at the faculty of biology:
information of the progress of doctoral study (pdf, 213 kB)

How to proceed to get a permission for your doctoral study (= Promotionsberechtigung) in the faculty of biology: (checklist, pdf, 112 kB)

- Visit the office of doctoral affairs (Biocenter, LMU München, Großhaderner Str. 2, 82152 Planegg-Martinsried,
   1st  floor, room B01.030) during the office hours, within these times you can also make an appointment.
- Bring all of your orignal certificates from all of your awarded academic degrees in original (such as: certificates
   and transcripts of records of your Bachelor’s and Master’s degree or Diploma). For checking you can send the 
   documents by e-mail to promotion@bio.lmu.de before.
- Ensure, that your master thesis has been recorded in your transcript of records or bring another form of proof for 
   your master thesis from the corresponding university.
- Fill in the “Bestätigung Doktorvater/Confirmation of supervisor” (pdf, 9kB) form, ensure to get it signed by your 
  supervisor and bring it with you.

If you are doing your doctoral study under the supervision of a habilitated person who is not a member of the Faculty of Biology, you will in addition need a in-house representative of the Faculty of Biology willing to "co-supervise" your doctoral project. In this case you must use the following form   “Externe Promotion Anmeldung/Confirmation of a supervisor" (pdf, 13 kB) instead of the one above.

How to get a confirmation from the Faculty of Biology for the application of a doctoral study at the Medical Faculty: (checklist, 119 kB)
Information on confirmation for the application of a doctoral study at the Medical Faculty (pdf, 184 kB)

- Visit the office of doctoral affairs (Biocenter, LMU München, Großhaderner Str. 2, 82152 Planegg-Martinsried, 1st
  floor, room B01.030) during the office hours, within these times you can also make an appointment.
- Bring all of your orignal certificates from all of your awarded academic degrees in original (such as: certificates and
  transcripts of records of your Bachelor’s and Master’s degree or Diploma).
- Ensure, that your master thesis has been recorded in your transcript of records or bring another form of proof for
  your master thesis from the corresponding university.
- Be sure to bring your doctoral supervision agreement with.

How to submit your dissertation at the faculty of biology: (checklist, pdf, 109 kB)
- make an appointment via mail at dekanat19@lmu.de or under 089 2180 74120
- fill in the application for admission to the doctoral examination (pdf, 15 kB)
- bring this application and the following documents with you:

  • 1. Curriculum Vitae
  • 2. Certificates, diploma, transcripts of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree, diploma, predoctoral examination or state exam in the original, if necessary, proof of the ECTS credits obtained according to the requirements (sample list).
  • 3. Dissertation two times: either as a monography or as a cumulative thesis. A monography may only exist of one chapter introduction, one chapter materials and methods, one chapter results and one chapter discussion. For a cumulative thesis please note the information sheet (pdf, 9 kB) as well (especially regarding the structure of the thesis. Please bring the signed original declaration of contributions with you, a copy included in the dissertation).
  • 4. Letter of agreement of your supervisor (word, 30 kB) with suggestion of the six members of your examination committee
  • 5. Statutory declaration (“Affidavit/Eigenständigkeitserklärung”, pdf, 59 kB)
  • 6. Declaration on former attempts of a doctorate ("Declaration/Erklärung", pdf, 46 kB)
  • 7. Official certificate of good conduct (behördliches Führungszeugnis) or contract of employment 
  • 8. Certificate of enrollment (one of the little green sheets of your last semester)
  • 9. Protocols of your TAC-Meetings (for doctoral students doing their doctoral study regarding the 4th amendment of the doctoral regulations): information and example of a protocol

Regulations of an individual doctoral study and german Habilitation at the faculty of biology